Thank you for booking your 2018 Summer Camp with STARCAMP!
You will receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided which will include all terms and conditions.
If you have not received a confirmation email the email may have been entered incorrectly or may have gone to your Junk inbox. If this is the case please contact us on 021-4377900!
Please bring a packed lunch (Please do not include Nuts and chewing gum) and plenty to drink and wear comfortable clothing to the camp.The use of mobile phones are not permitted in Starcamp, except in exceptional situations where approval has been requested from a staff member.
It is important that the information you have provided is complete so that we can provide the best experience for your child. If you feel something was omitted on the form just send us an email or call 021-4377900.
All camps run from 9.30-2.30 unless otherwise advised.
Contact if you have any queries.
We look forward to seeing you at the camp!
Thank You,