Starcamp is fully committed to safeguarding the well being of all children & young people with whom we interact and to the implementation of policies and practices that protect children and vulnerable adults from harm.
The aim of Starcamp’s Protection and Welfare Policy is to promote best practice in protection and set out a procedural framework to ensure that members of staff are equipped to make informed and confident responses to specific issues and take proactive steps to minimise risk with regard to protection and welfare issues.
In implementing its policy Starcamp undertake to provide a safe environment and where the welfare of the child/young person is paramount. We will adhere to the recommendations of;
Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children, published by the Department of Children and Youth affairs.
We have implemented procedures covering but not limited to:
- Code of behaviour for all staff;
- Confidentiality and record keeping:
- Recruitment and selection of staff;
- Staff management and supervision;
- Involvement of primary carers;
- Incidents and accidents.
This policy will be reviewed on the 1st February 2024
Signed: Aideen O’Grady
Designated Person
POLICY -Code of behaviour for staff
Our policy applies to all staff and volunteers working for Starcamp. We practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children.
Starcamp employees accept and recognise their responsibilities regarding the safeguarding of children and will endeavour to carry these out by:
- Having an awareness of the issues which cause children harm;
- Following the procedures and protocols set out in this document for the recruitment and selection;
- Being proactive in implementing this policy in so far as it is appropriate to their work.
- Welfare is paramount in all decisions, activities and programmes involving vulnerable / young people and children and Starcamp will provide safe spaces for them, ensuring they are safeguarded, physically and emotionally, in a healthy fun environment.
- Actively listen to them, taking account of their expression of needs and concerns.
- Value and respect them as individuals.
- Involve them in decisions made about them, is as participative and appropriate manner as possible.
Starcamp does not accept the following behaviours and will intervene to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all children:
- Bullying.
- Violence.
- Sarcasm, name-calling, ‘Slagging’, and other forms of scapegoating.
- Favouring some to the exclusion of others.
- Abusive language or gestures.
- Negative criticism of young people’s values, beliefs and opinions.
- Negatively highlighting physical, social or emotional differences.
The code of behaviour is categorised under the following headings:
• Child-centred approach
• Good practice
• Appropriate behaviour
• Physical contact
• Health and safety
(These are extracts from the STARCAMP child protection policy, the complete document is available on request.)